Suli, munka teszt
#Suli, munka

Angol középfokú nyelvvizsga teszt - No.22


Angolul tanulsz, és középfokú nyelvvizsgára készülsz? Gyakorolj nyelvi tesztünk segítségével! Egy összefüggő szöveget fogsz olvasni, amelyből néhány szó hiányzik. Válaszd ki a négy lehetséges válasz közül a leginkább odaillőt! Hogy mennyire teljesítettél jól, és hogy mi a helyes megoldás, a tesztsor kitöltése után megtudhatod.

1, Last week a three-year-old boy went on his mum’s computer – and bought ______ £9,000 car on eBay.

2, Cheeky Jack Neal made a successful bid for the Barbie pink Nissan Figaro. The boy’s mother Rachel, 36, and father John, 37, noticed that something ______ ...

3, ... when they got a message from the internet auction site to congratulate ______ .

4, Rachel said: “We couldn’t understand ______ was happening.

5, Neither of us had bought ______ .

6, So we checked and saw it was a Barbie pink car ______ we’d bought for £8,999.99. We flew into a panic.”

7, By then Jack, who ______ just turned three, was asleep in bed.

8, When he ______ next morning he was very excited ...

9, ... and told ______ parents: “I’ve bought a car.”

10, Rachel believes she left her eBay password in her computer after leaving it. She said: “Jack is a wiz on the PC and just ______ all the right buttons.”

11, John phoned the company and explained the mistake. ______ , they saw the funny side and said they would not insist on selling the car to the Neals.