Suli, munka teszt
#Suli, munka

Angol középfokú nyelvvizsga teszt - No.30


Angolul tanulsz, és középfokú nyelvvizsgára készülsz? Gyakorolj nyelvi tesztünk segítségével! Válaszd ki a négy válasz közül a helyeset! Hogy mennyire teljesítettél jól, és hogy mi a helyes megoldás, a tesztsor kitöltése után megtudhatod.

1, I don't know the exact ______ of the Eiffel Tower, but it's certainly very big.

2, _________ it's a story about a boy who falls in love with a girl who then goes and dies. It's a typical love story.

3, We have received a huge number of __________ for the job.

4, It's the sort of party where you need to _____ up. No jeans are allowed.

5, I've decided to get a satellite dish because some of the satellite channels offer exclusive ________ of important sporting events like boxing and European football matches.

6, Our behaviour is ___________ by our environment. We change to suit the place we are living in.

7, At the end of the lesson, the teacher ______ out of the room because he really needed to use the toilet and he couldn't wait another second.

8, The only safe place to cross a road is at a pedestrian ________.

9, To get the teacher's attention, the children were told to _____ one arm.

10, The Dracula films were _______ in Transylvania.

11, Always keep the _______ when you buy something in case you need to change it later.

12, One _________ of doctors is that their manner is often very impersonal.

13, We cannot employ people who are not _________ for the job.

14, Scientists believe that there must be a ________ explanation for everything.

15, People are always writing letters of complaint about the number of _______ on TV but I miss so many programmes that I like it when they show things again.

16, The children stood in the playground and ________ faces at one another.